Lifespring's goal is to bring you the best in books and education to improve your life This month we feature the wonderful new book 'The Comparison Reference of Symptoms & Indications'. It features + FACIAL DIAGNOSIS + TONGUE DIAGNOSIS + NAIL DIAGNOSIS + Thousands of groups of symptoms cross-referenced and listed under their appropriate body systems with possible indications I must tell you how much I am learning from your new book on symptoms and what they could mean. This is helping me take control of our family's health. By understanding some of the signs that I would otherwise have not known, I can now tell from the face and nails and the lists of symptoms in the book what problems we are heading for and get treatment before illness takes a real hold. Thankyou so much for this book.
D. Turner, Sydney
Your new book is fabulous. It is quite different to anything I have seen before - easy to use and so full of practical information. I know I will be using it for years to come.
Liz Clift Natural therapist
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= only $135.85 for 2 copies plus freight [$8.50 within Australia for up to 3 copies]
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